Web developmentJuly 03, 2022

Web Development Functionality Resources

This blog post will also introduce you to some common terms used within the industry and list out potential job opportunities if you choose to become a professional web developer.


JavaScript Basics

- What is JavaScript? - JavaScript is a programming language used to add functionality and interactivity to your website. It’s what allows you to create dynamic websites that change depending on user input. - Syntax - Make sure you know the correct syntax for JavaScript. It’s a common mistake for beginners to not understand the correct syntax, which leads to errors. - Conditional Statements - Conditional statements are statements that are only executed if a certain condition is true. For example, you can create a conditional statement that hides a pop-up button if the user clicks away from the pop-up already.

React Native Basics

- What is React Native? - React Native is a programming language that lets you create apps for both Android and iOS devices. It’s used to create applications that look and feel native to each device. - Hot Reloading - Hot reloading is a feature that allows you to see your changes instantly without having to restart your app. This makes coding much easier and faster since you don’t have to close and reopen your app every time you make a change. - Virtual Dom - The virtual dom is a browser-like engine that allows you to fully customize your app’s look and feel. It mimics the browser’s methods of rendering HTML and CSS.

Backend Development with Node.js

- What is Node.js? - Node.js is an open-source server language that allows for server-side programming. It’s what enables you to create dynamic websites that can grow with the user. - Event Driven - Unlike other languages, event-driven languages like Node.js work on specific triggers. For example, when a user clicks a certain button, an event triggers that makes the website change. - HTTP - Node.js uses HTTP to communicate with the server. It’s important to understand how HTTP works when becoming a backend developer with Node.js.


Web development is a skill that anybody can learn. However, it’s important to understand the fundamentals first. You can learn how to code and become a web developer by following this ultimate guide. Follow these tips and you’ll be well on your way to becoming a skilled web developer. END

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